STEM lab stations provide hands-on learning
Formation activities lead to deeper understanding for students
Researching crude oil and natural gas formation
Workshop provides helpful STEM lessons
Thinking about dinosaurs and the formation of crude oil and natural gas
What will these decomposing materials turn into?
Students discover that plankton is real AND useful
Listening, drawing and learning
The question is “How stinky would that be?”
Students benefit from teacher’s workshop learning!
Understanding energy in St. Clairesville
Methane gas in the classroom
Virtual High School students get hands-on science time!
Migration and trapping
Holes in rocks
STEM activities solidify knowledge
Holes are helpful! Learning about rocks in landscaping
Porous rocks and pipeline pigging
Workshop kit provides valuable materials
Studying soil profiles and percolation rates
New lab activity helps students understand concepts
Filling in knowledge gaps
Lab activities connect with career possibilities
Permeability, porosity and the water cycle
High praise for elementary STEM workshop!
Seismic wave studies
Exploring for natural gas and oil
Using the Hamm seismograph app to "see" underground
Reinforcing learning by explaining concepts
Another kind of mining
Can you hear the oil down there?
Students gain valuable career information
Poking around in the dirt provides topography learning
Science for the ears, eyes, and mouth!
Drilling and well stimulation
Physical science with OOGEEP lessons
Team building to create a derrick!
Teachers try their hands at drilling!
The advantages of natural gas and crude oil
Core sampling in the classroom
Researching oil and gas careers
Hands-on 'drilling' lab and oil well
Second graders do some 'drilling'
Informed discussions about drilling in Ohio
Seeing Twinkies in a whole new light
Sweet explorations: teaching with Twinkies
Learning about local oil and gas industry
Producing and transporting
Tackling transportation of oil and natural gas
Increasing literacy with science article critiques
Pig in a pipeline
Elementary-level teaching provides new application of workshop lessons, materials
Tackling pipe transportation system
Straws and “pigs” promote hands-on learning
Discovering an oil well on campus
STEAM class connects force and motion with pipeline pigging
Distillation discoveries
Distilling mouthwash to understand refining
Uncovering facts about Ohio’s natural gas and oil resources
Petrochemicals and products
SuperSuit Investigation
Using OOGEEP lessons in Material Science and Chemistry classes
Using scientific methods to assess swimsuit fabrics
Assessing swimsuit fabric—what's best?
Should Santa be going down the chimney if the fire is lit?
New understanding of production and hydraulic fracturing
New ideas for science fair projects!
Differentiation of Earth's layers
Digging into density
Pie Slices of Earth
Recreating Earth's layers and more!
Bringing the 'wow' factor
Great workshop leads to engaged students
Layers of knowledge help make connections
Getting a historical perspective with geology timeline
Getting the big picture of Earth's layers
Great visual aids from geology workshop
Layers lead to learning about earth's interior
From continental drift to plate tectonics
Geology workshop a summer highlight
New activities to teach familiar concepts
Hands-on learning boosts understanding
Manipulating the earth; creating the super‑continent
Geology workshop provides valuable field trip and more
Candy bar layers show Earth's movement
Geology workshop provides useful activities for classroom
Landmasses, migration, and biodiversity
Putting the pieces together
The building blocks of our rocks
Quick growing crystals wow the crowd
Candy and crystals make geology learning fun
Observing earth's crust
Rocks vs. minerals
Rockin' Clue game makes rock identification fun
Chad sips lemonade during happy child camp fun!
Rock classification by design
Sorting rocks by observation
Teacher receives helpful lessons and supplies
STEM night increases geology knowledge
Benefits of workshop for teachers