New ideas for science fair projects!
You won’t believe where these classroom lessons ended up! Tracey Burnette teaches at South Gallia Middle School, and she attended an Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Exploration (OOGEEP) workshop. Burnette’s students used ideas from the OOGEEP lessons as springboards for science fair projects. One student explored porosity and permeability with models, and another used the petrochemical fabric test to determine the best material for swimsuits.

Burnette said, "The OOGEEP materials and ideas have been wonderful to use in my classroom. We’ve completed many of the activities and I look forward to using more. The students seem to grasp the idea about the importance of energy conservation and are beginning to understand more about natural gas."
In addition to the science fair displays, a parent night focusing on energy in Ohio provided a wider audience for what Burnette learned at the workshop.