Using scientific methods to assess swimsuit fabrics

How does one determine what kind of fabric would be good for a swimsuit? Richard Chiera teaches 8th grade science at Bolich Middle School in the Cuyahoga Falls City School District. He used this query to help students review and apply scientific methods, working with the Materials and their Properties lab from the Petrochemical and Products section of the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program's STEM curriculum, available on the OOGEEP website.
Chiera began by asking his students how oil and gas are used in daily life. He said, "I was surprised that responses in every class were limited to fuels/lubricants. I had to guide students to plastics and all associated products." Chiera presented information on fracking and cracking to give students background on accessing and differentiating the raw materials into all of the products discussed.

Once students understood that many synthetic fabrics are derived from petroleum, Chiera posed the problem “Which fabrics would be best for swimsuits?” Students worked in small groups and selected one of the seven variables that the class had brainstormed: chemical durability, abrasion resistance, elasticity, hot/cold cycling, wrinkle resistance and water shedding.
Chiera's students used scientific methods to generate a testable question, propose a hypothesis, put together an experiment that would generate data that supported their hypothesis (or not), analyzed data and came to a conclusion about their hypothesis to share with the class. "The groups in all classes did a great job, seemed to enjoy the lab and learned through the process," Chiera said.
Interested in hands-on experience with some great STEM lessons? Check the OOGEEP website for upcoming events!