Increasing literacy with science article critiques
Michael McClure teaches earth science and a science intervention class His at-risk 12th grade students critiqued science articles to help increase their understanding of science concepts. This assignment met the school district’s objective of increasing literacy and writing skills across curriculum. McClure said, "Since reading and writing skills need drastic attention in my district, having my students work on this productively was a useful task."

While covering environmental issues with his science intervention class, McClure assigned research on oil theft. He found his students had no or very limited research skills and struggled with finding information. "To give them a topic and then set them loose proved to be chaotic at times," said McClure.
McClure hopes to attend more OOGEEP workshops. He found it helpful to network with other participants to gain ideas on how to adjust projects and was able to share his experience with colleagues interested in professional development. He plans to adapt the materials to meet the needs of his students.