Second graders do some 'drilling'
Rochelle Jenkins helped her second grade students understand how drilling works with a hands-on activity. The students at Augusta Elementary in Carrollton Exempted Village Schools did the Sweet Explorations lesson with straws and cream sticks!

Jenkins showed a video about drilling and shared a story about her father's work drilling water wells. The class talked about the different ways to drill. Jenkins also created a comparison chart. The students had to measure the oil they extracted from their 'well', the cream stick.

Using the flexible straws the students drilled a vertical hole. As they rotated the straw, they noted that it helped them get more oil. Jenkins said, "I asked why and most of them said because you are going straight down."
As part of their math curriculum, the second graders are learning about angles. The students bent their straw at a 90 degree angle and guided it through the cream stick. They compared which hole worked the best. "At the end we had an oil explosion and enjoyed the cream from our cream stick!"