Manipulating the earth; creating the super‑continent

Give students the opportunity to SEE how the earth has moved, both as continents and as layers! Russ Lambert of Archbold Middle School used the Active Earth lessons from the OOGEEP geology teacher workshop with his 8th grade science students to meet state standards for these topics in a hands-on way. They also completed the Mapping Earth's Layers activity.
Lambert said, "The Puzzling Evidence lesson was an “a-ha” moment for a number of students. Being able to manipulate the pieces based on the fossils and come up with the supercontinent based on the evidence was very powerful and attention-getting for the students."

Lambert found the geology workshop beneficial in a variety of ways. "Being the only 8th grade science teacher in my district, the workshop allowed me to collaborate with other science teachers teaching the same standards. While reviewing and conducting the geology lessons, we discussed other lessons we use in our classrooms and what worked best with our students. Secondly, the workshop exposed me to several lessons I haven’t seen before. I was able to incorporate new lessons into my curriculum and add a few new ideas. Also, the trip to the quarry helped me gain a greater understanding of the sedimentary layers here in Ohio and how the environment at the time the sedimentary layers were forming determined why the rock is shale, limestone, or sands."